Troop Committee

What is the Troop Committee, you asked?  (Or maybe you haven’t asked…)  The Troop Committee at 455 is responsible for the “behind the scenes” organization and administration of the troop.  Think of us like the agents of SHIELD — normal humans working behind the scenes that are supporting the Scout and Scoutmaster superheroes. 

The Troop Committee meets once a month and the minutes of these meetings are posted in Scoutbook.  Topics of the meetings might include recruiting, advancement, fundraising, or the Scoutbook migration. Our goal as a committee is to help make the everyday running of the troop as smooth as possible, so if you have ideas on what we can do better, please let us know!

Here are the current members of the Troop Committee:

  • Advancement:  Brady Lum
  • Communications:  Sue Anthony
  • Fundraising:  Open
  • Treasurer:  Shelly Hart
  • Outdoor Activities:  David Moore
  • Merit Badges & Health Forms:  Laurel Miyake
  • Adult Training:  Mickey Smith
  • New Families:  Pierce Pape
  • Courts of Honor:  Jody Brooks
  • Chair:  Dylan Miyake
  • Haygood Rep:  Jonathan Lathbury
  • Scoutmaster:  Todd Sharp

 We’re currently looking for someone to take on the Fundraising role, and Shelly Hart, our long-serving Treasurer, will be stepping down in the Fall, so we will need a new Treasurer soon.If you have a question about the Troop Committee, or would be interested in joining the Troop Committee, please reach out to Dylan Miyake at or 617-834-8839.