Citizenship in Society MB Class Offering

Dear Troop 455 Scouts,

Many of you are aware that the first new merit badge for the Scouts BSA program since 2017 officially launched in 2022. It is also now an Eagle-required MB for any Scout completing Eagle rank on or after July 1, 2022. Citizenship in Society provides Scouts with opportunities to learn more about our world by encouraging them to explore information on diversity, equity, inclusion and ethical leadership — and to learn why these qualities are important in society and in Scouting.

The Citizenship in Society merit badge encourages a self-guided/self-exploration approach to learning. While there is no official MB pamphlet or book, there will be a counselor’s guide to serve as the foundation for the badge. The intent is for Citizenship in Society merit badge counselors to guide Scouts on their journey of self-discovery and facilitate discussions as Scouts seek to further understand the diverse world we live in. We are fortunate in Troop 455 to have two adult leaders, Mickey Smith and me, who have attended Citizenship in Society facilitation training and are certified by the Atlanta Area Council to conduct sessions at our Unit level.

The best practice for this badge is for Scouts to take this MB in small groups at their Unit level. To align with this, we are offering this MB class in two sessions, August 7 and August 14 from 3:30p to 5:00p. You must commit to attend both sessions to complete the MB. Slots will are limited to 6-8 per group. We may have 2 groups depending on the level of interest. Please RSVP at your soonest convenience via Scoutbook and also please email me directly at The deadline for signing up will be Wednesday, August 3 at 10pm.

Here is a link to the requirements for this badge:http://filestore.scouting…utReqs.pdf

We encourage all interested Scouts to sign up and participate. Here is the list of Scouts who have already RSVP’d: Evan Richards, Owen Stockton, Parker Pape, Walker Moore, Wiley Lum, and Will Brooks. Join us!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Mr. Smith.

Looking forward to sharing this new MB journey with you — I know it will be a meaningful one!

Yours in Scouting,

Brady Lum
Scoutmaster, Troop 455