Scouting’s cadence is aligned with that of the school year and with only one month (+/-) left, we’re about to transition both to a new school and Scouting year as well. April saw the Troop’s last outing of the school year. May will see the calendaring portion of the annual program planning process (how the Troop plans for the next year), welcoming of new Scouts bridging over from Cub Packs, elections for positions of responsibility (PORs) for the next Patrol Leader’s Committee (PLC) and final advancement opportunity for this school year with Scoutmaster Conferences (SMC’s), Board of Review (BOR) and the end of year Court of Honor (COH)……. (that’s a TON of acronyms, though not quite as bad as we have in the IT industry).
While the school and Scouting years are coming to an end, there’s no reason to fret, as Scouting goes on with something for everyone year round. June will have the first PLC meeting with the new PORs, as well as our Scouts at summer camp. Later in the Summer older Scouts will go to national high adventure activities (Philmont and Sea Base this summer, then Northern Tier and Summit/Bechtel Summer 2022). The ASMs and I are discussing holding some targeted merit badge clinics throughout the Summer. August will see the new PLC go through some new-year training, including how to execute upon the annual program plan and hopefully a fun-filled welcome bar-b-q for all our families.
I love this time of year. While it’s a time of high activity and preparation as we move rapidly to the end of one cycle, it’s also a time of reflection regeneration. Take time to look back upon your (or your Scout’s) journey over the past year. Think about how much we’ve all come through and how well we’ve all done coming through it. Pause to consider opportunities to improve in areas where the Scout, the Patrol or the Troop may have room to grow and most of all – SHARE these reflections and ideas openly with one another (and with me). We are all here to serve the Scouts, safely creating opportunities that challenge young boys, helping them grow into young men and ultimately good citizens, providing their voice of reason, stability and fortitude sharpened through experience to our community as they mature throughout their life.
Thank you for the continued opportunity to serve this Troop and each of you. It truly is an honor and privilege. It’s among the most rewarding things with which I’ve ever been involved. The Troop is always ready to welcome your involvement, so if you’ve been reading and watching and wondering how to get more involved, just ask a Scout (or Scoutmaster or Adult Scout Leader).