With the 20-21 Scouting Season coming to a close at the Court of Honor this month, we start turning our focus to the 21-22 season. The new season means new faces at Troop 455: New Scouts who are excited to get going, new parents who are trying to figure it all out, and potentially new leaders (like you) who can help us take Troop 455 into the future.
At Troop 455, we’re always looking for leaders to help us as Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members, Merit Badge Counselors, or Trip Leaders. (Plus of course on Boards of Review.) If you haven’t yet taken on a volunteer position at Troop 455 (and remember all roles are volunteer roles), please consider taking one on for 21-22.
We have been extremely fortunate at Troop 455 to have many leaders who have been with us for years. Their guidance and support has provided the necessary continuity to ensure our troop’s success. But their involvement doesn’t mean that you don’t have a role to play. As the troop continues to grow, getting new leaders involved is critical to both running today’s troop and ensuring we are successful in the years to come.
Please reach out to me at dnm@alum.mit.edu or 617-834-8839 if you are interested in helping lead the troop. We understand that everyone is busy, so we can scale the level of commitment to your availability. We truly welcome your input and participation to make Troop 455 great!
“Front of House” Scoutmaster Roles
If you enjoy camping, coaching, and working with Scouts, a “front of the house” role might be perfect for you. These roles involve working directly with Scouts on advancement, leadership, and outdoor activities.
Assistant Scoutmaster is an adult leader over the age of 18 who helps the Scoutmaster deliver the promise of Scouting. Each assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties. They can serve the troop by guiding a particular patrol to which they’ve been assigned, advising certain Scouts who’ve assumed a position e.g. the quartermaster or OA representative, or fill in as necessary to assure the junior leaders have what they need to run things.
Monthly Trip Leader is an adult leader who has volunteered to run an outing for a month. The Trip Leader works with the Scouts and the Outdoor Activities Chair to plan and execute a trip. This is a great way to get involved with the troop and to learn what goes into making the troop run.
Merit Badge Counselors introduce Scouts to a topic about which they are passionate and knowledgeable. At the very least, a merit badge counselor helps a young person earn a merit badge and get one step closer to the next rank. At the most, a merit badge counselor introduces a young person to a subject that could become a lifelong hobby or career.
“Back of House” Committee Roles
If you’re more comfortable at a computer than a campout, a “Back of House” role might be a good fit for you. The committee provides the logistical support to the Scouts and Scoutmasters to ensure advancement, outings, and other activities happen.
Communications Chair: Keeps the minutes of meetings and distributes meeting notices. Also manages the troop website and calendar. At each monthly troop committee meeting, the Communication Chair reports the minutes of the previous meeting. This person is responsible for maintaining the official copy of record for all of Troop 455’s documents such as the Bylaws, meeting minutes and agendas, and policy or guideline documentation.
Treasurer: Handles all troop funds, and pays bills on the recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee. The treasurer makes the annual budget submission to the Troop Committee for adoption. The Treasurer also maintains adequate financial records; maintains checking and savings accounts; supervises money-earning projects and reports to the troop committee at each monthly meeting on the status of the Troop’s financial condition.
Summer Camp Coordinator: Handles enrollment and registration for the Troop at the annual summer camp, including registering scouts for classes, promoting the summer camp to the troop, and reaching out to Scouts crossing over to Troop 455 to get them to attend summer camp.
YPT / Health Forms Champion: Ensures that all adult leaders have current Youth Protection Training (YPT) and that all scouts have appropriate health forms on file. Works with the Outdoor Activities Chair to ensure all trip leaders have copies of forms for adults and youth attending events.
Adult Training Chair: Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader, and the Adult Training Chair works with the adult leaders at Troop 455 to ensure they are current with their training for the role they currently hold. Reports to the troop committee the current training status and works directly with adult leaders to encourage training.
Outdoor Activities Chair: Responsible for overseeing the planning, coordination, and execution of all logistical functions that support troop outdoor activities. This subcommittee supports the Scoutmasters by contacting destination campsites, arranging payments and registration, arranging and coordinating transportation, requesting and securing required tour permits, and providing communications with parents before, during, and after each camping activity.
Advancement Chair: Supports the Scoutmasters in his/her lead role implementing the Advancement program of the troop. The Advancement chair works with the Scoutmasters to encourage scouts to advance in rank. In addition, the chair coordinates, oversees and implements the scheduling of monthly Boards of Review for advancement of candidates.
Court of Honor Chair: Plans, schedules, and runs the Troop’s quarterly Court of Honors, to include ensuring participation of appropriate personnel, arranging refreshments, and providing oversight of scout set-up and clean-up of meeting facilities.
Fundraising Chair: Supports the Scoutmaster by planning, coordinating, managing, and executing the Troop’s fundraising activities (Camp Cards and Popcorn Sales), the annual Scouting for Food drive, the annual Friends of Scouting campaign, and Community Service events.
Troop Committee Chair: The committee is the troop’s “Board of Directors” and the Committee Chair oversees all committee operations necessary to support the Scoutmaster in administration of the Troop’s program. The chair organizes the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated and completed, and presides over the monthly troop committee meetings.