Greetings Troop 455 Families, It was great to see many of you over the Summer, and it will be even better to share our many escapades and adventures! Probably like many of you, I have been in denial of the fact that Summer is basically over and school begins for many on Monday! Two months […]
Category: Scoutmaster’s Corner
May 2021 Scoutmaster’s Corner
Scouting’s cadence is aligned with that of the school year and with only one month (+/-) left, we’re about to transition both to a new school and Scouting year as well. April saw the Troop’s last outing of the school year. May will see the calendaring portion of the annual program planning process (how the […]
April 2020 Scoutmaster’s Corner
Ah Springtime! A tremendous time of renewal. As the short days of winter give way to longer days and warmer weather, nature, quite literally, seems to ‘spring’ to life. Blossoms, petals, buds, flowers and yes indeed, for us Georgians, pollen…..yuck. For Scouting, this time of year also brings renewal to the Troop. It is a […]
March 2020 Scoutmaster’s Corner
We’ve had a great month at Troop 455! After several one-nighters, the Troop had its first two-night camping outing in several months, enjoyed a Safe Shooting Sports outing at Tom Lowe Shooting Grounds with NRA certified instruction and have ended the month by welcoming a number of Webelos and Arrow of Light candidates and their […]
February 2020 Scoutmaster’s Corner
In my role as Scoutmaster (but even prior to it when I was an ASM or adult volunteer), I’ve often been asked about the Troop’s Scouts and their capabilities. When Scouts first join the Troop as is natural with anything new, they and their parents are filled with both excitement and questions around their upcoming […]