Winter camp is a great experience for all boys in our Troop. Some of our scouts who crossed over from Pack 17 might remember polar bear camping. Winter camp is just like that. You get to spend a week up at Bert Adams having fun and earning merit badges. Tons of fun activities occur, including […]
Month: March 2021
March 2020 OA Update
Spring Gathering is coming up this month for all existing members. This year’s theme is “Survivor,” and with that comes several games and events based on the show. There will be plenty of covid safe fun to be had. Additionally, we would like to congratulate the new candidates from 455 who were voted in. We […]
Summer Camp Update
BERT ADAMS SUMMER CAMP | JUNE 6 – 12, 2021 | $375 Summer Camp Sign Up ( Scouts have unique opportunities to experience new & varied activities, obtain new life skills, gain confidence & have fun with friends. Scouts who attend camp return with great memories, deeper commitments to Scouting, and maturity. They have tons […]
Life to Eagle at Troop 455
As ‘Life to Eagle Coach’ for Troop 455, I work with Life Scouts to encourage them to make regular progress toward achieving the Eagle Scout rank if that’s their goal and desire. If you’re a Life Scout, and we haven’t talked yet, give me a call (with your parents on the line for YPT) and […]
March 2020 SPL Corner
Dear Troop 455 scouts, adult leaders, and parents, The upcoming March recruiting event at Bert Adams will be led by Anderson Smith Cote and Mr. Anthony and will be a Webelos-oriented event. Webelos from Pack 17 will join us and be exposed to some activities we do in our troop. The April wilderness survival outing […]
March 2020 Outings Update
The February outing was a successful shooting trip. It started at the Tom Lowe Shooting range on Saturday morning. On the range, the Scouts learned the mechanics, safety, and execution of the shotgun. Saturday night was spent camping at the Chattahoochee Bend State Park. Everyone enjoyed camping on Adirondack platforms. It was below freezing, but […]
March 2020 Scoutmaster’s Corner
We’ve had a great month at Troop 455! After several one-nighters, the Troop had its first two-night camping outing in several months, enjoyed a Safe Shooting Sports outing at Tom Lowe Shooting Grounds with NRA certified instruction and have ended the month by welcoming a number of Webelos and Arrow of Light candidates and their […]